With the Muchachas's Podcast
Don't you just love when you finally get a chance to hang out with your girls.You know, get away, be heard, laugh, and maybe even cry a little. In this podcast, three women are having that girl talk you currently need. With 20+ years of friendship they can talk about everything from funny daily life to jaw-dropping chisme. Tune in every other week and join Ashley, Jessica and Jeanette in their platicas with the muchachas.
With the Muchachas's Podcast
What Makes our Friendship Last?
Season 5
Episode 10
What are qualities you look for when making friends? Do you prefer someone who is more talkative than you or would you prefer someone who is calm. Do you want someone to match your energy. We talk about what has made our friendship last so long. Things that we value from each other. Along with what has helped us stay connected since we've met. With this being the last episode of the season, we just want to say we hope you enjoyed every bit. And like always, until next time muchachas, byyyye.